The importance of engaging our Landowners

Our General Manager, Mr Semi Dranibaka, talks about- “The importance of engaging our main stakeholders, the landowners.” in the video below.

He talked about keeping them informed and the benefits they get out of the mahogany work that is done.

General Manager: Mr Semi Dranibaka on engaging our landowners


One of the main important things is to be engaged with the landowners, meaning we have to regularly inform them on the work that has been carried out.

If your main stakeholders, the landowners, are properly informed of the progress of work, the decisions that have been made, they will be happy and also be well informed of what is going on. Especially the mahogany work that is done and also the benefits that they get out of it.

So, well-informed landowners will also be able to work with you together in this work.

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